Connecticut Residents: Tell Your State Representatives to Choose the Better of Two GMO Labeling Bills!

The Connecticut Senate has passed SB 802, a GE labeling bill that ANH-USA helped draft. It now contains an amendment with a triggering provision requiring three more of the nine states that make up the Northeast to pass a similar bill before it could go into effect in 2015. If the other states failed to adopt GMO labeling statutes, the Connecticut GMO law would still go into effect on its own, but in 2016, as a standalone provision.

The House, on the other hand, has passed HB 6527. This bill is weaker than SB 802 because it removes that standalone provision, and increases the number of states needed to trigger the GMO labeling requirement to five. Moreover, the combined total population of at least two of those five states would need to be at least 25 million people.

Thank your representatives for passing HB 6527, but ask them to vote YES on SB 802 because it’s the stronger bill and provides the greatest protections to consumers!

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