Tell Your State Legislators to Repeal the Ag-Gag Law!

Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Montana have “ag-gag” laws on the books that make it a felony to document and expose illegal and cruel practices at concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and other agricultural facilities without permission. 

It’s clear the only reason for this legislation is to keep the public from seeing the shocking conditions that exist on CAFOs. This law protects large factory farms by making undercover investigations into animal care illegal. Those who report and expose cruelty to animals would risk huge fines.

Recently, a judge in the federal District Court for Kansas ruled that the state’s so-called “ag-gag” law was unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds.

Kansas is the fourth state where an ag-gag law has been struck down (similar laws were previously disallowed in Idaho, Utah, and Iowa). Despite these wins there are still ag-gag laws on the books in Alabama, North Carolina, Montana, North Dakota, and Arkansas.

If you live in one of these states, tell your legislator that being a whistleblower is protected speech under the First Amendment, and the “ag-gag” law needs to be repealed in order to avoid a costly lawsuit like the one in Kansas.

Please personalize and add your own comments if you have time!


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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Please Repeal the Ag-Gag Law!

Dear [Decision Maker],

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]