Protect Vaccine Choice in Connecticut

Many states have laws that allow patients to exempt themselves from vaccinations based on personal, philosophical, or religious beliefs. That way, parents who are wary of government-mandated vaccination schedules can make their own informed decisions about their family’s health. 

But the Connecticut legislature is considering bills, SB 568 and HB 6423, that eliminate the religious belief exemption to vaccination.

Other bills protect freedom of choice: HB 5578 adds moral and philosophical objections as an exemption to the immunization requirements; SB 405 prohibits the state of Connecticut from mandating a vaccine that only has been given emergency use authorization from the FDA; HB 5402 prohibits employers from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination as condition of employment; and HB 5401 prohibits the State of Connecticut or any employee of the state from mandating a COVID-19 vaccine.

We must not lose our freedom to make informed choices about vaccines. Contact your state legislators and tell them to protect vaccine choice!  


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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Please protect vaccine choice

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