Tell the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to Stop Harassing Integrative Physicians!

The LSBME has demonstrated a clear bias against the CAM and integrative physicians. In one recent case, it targeted a minor record-keeping violation and assigned penalties far beyond what such small infractions usually incur and tried to suspend the doctor even when a court had ruled that the violations didn’t occur!

Now the LSMBE is reportedly calling compounding pharmacists to find out which physicians are prescribing bioidentical hormones like estriol. And the board is using consent decrees to trap doctors into implying that integrative treatments are outside the conventional standard of care.

Part of the problem is that the Louisiana statute for CAM practitioners is contradictory and weak, making it ripe for abuse. Practitioners can be sanctioned for using a CAM therapy or diagnostic procedure—irrespective of the lack of patient harm or the positive outcome of the therapy—simply because the therapy or diagnostic procedure is not accepted by conventional medicine as the standard of care.

Tell LSMBE that Louisiana regulations are supposed to provide integrative physicians latitude—and LSMBE should comply with the law.

(Please personalize your message if you have the time!)


  • Louisiana State Medical Board Examiners (LSMBE)


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