New York Residents: Tell Your Legislators to Vote NO on S.4999!

The New York legislature is currently considering a seriously restrictive bill, S.4999, that would create a new title for dietitians and nutritionists—“Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist” or “LDN.” Moreover, a majority of the new board would be Registered Dietitians, and they would have the power to decide which exams are allowed—and which are not.

This change would criminalize non-licensed practitioners creating significant economic loss due to the severe and unnecessary scope of practice restrictions of the proposed bill. Highly trained professionals—including, but not limited to, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, certified nutrition specialists, certified clinical nutritionists, and health coaches, would effectively be prohibited from providing nutrition-related counseling.

Please contact your state legislators and express your strong opposition to this bill!


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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