Tell the USDA: No "Trash Fish" in Kids' Lunches!

An overpopulation of dogfish in New England has led the fishing industry and New England politicians to put dogfish into the school lunch program and federal prison programs. This fish is extremely high in mercury -- fifty times higher than some species -- and women of reproductive age and children are warned not to eat it, yet we are feeding it to our kids. Like other unlabeled fish, the dogfish will almost certainly be served in generic fish filets and fish sticks, or mixed in with other generic fish in meals like fish tacos, and no one will be the wiser.

The World Health Organization has determined that the mercury found in fish is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous system and can produce harmful effects on the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, lungs, and kidneys. If there is too much mercury, it may be fatal.

Tell the USDA to ban dogfish from the federal school lunch program.

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Tell the USDA: No "Trash Fish" in Kids' Lunches!

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