Tell the FDA to Warn Pregnant Women about Tylenol Dangers!

A study just published in JAMA Pediatrics finds that Tylenol (acetaminophen) taken by women during their pregnancy may raise the risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and similar disorders in their children up to 40% -- with the risk increasing the more acetaminophen the mother takes. And a study published late last year showed that women taking acetaminophen during pregnancy increased the risk of their children having serious behavior problems at age 3 by an overwhelming 70%.

Unsurprisingly, the manufacturer is denying any accountability, citing the lack of “randomized controlled studies demonstrating a causal link.” The drug maker’s further statement that Tylenol has “one of the most favorable safety profiles” is ridiculous if one simply looks at the data. Every year, 78,000 people go to the emergency room from intentional or accidental acetaminophen overdose; 33,000 are hospitalized, and about 450 die.

Tell the FDA to change its labeling on drugs containing acetaminophen to provide a warning to pregnant mothers.

Please customize your letter if you have the time!


  • Stephen Ostroff


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Warn Pregnant Women about Acetaminophen Dangers!

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