Tell Congress to Reject the So-called "Protect Interstate Commerce Act"!

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has reintroduced the Protect Interstate Commerce Act (PICA)—legislation that was already defeated last year. The bill would undermine hard-won state GMO labeling bills, allowing states that do not have labeling laws to freely sell their unlabeled products in states that do.

It would also nullify state laws dealing with intensive confinement of farm animals, and undo many state bans on the sale of products derived through inhumane treatment of animals. It would endanger the public health by overriding bans on BPA in baby food jars, arsenic in poultry feed, and human sewage on crops.

Tell your legislators to reject the Protect Interstate Commerce Act and fight for its defeat.

Please personalize and add your own comments if you have time!


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Please Vote NO on the the Protect Interstate Commerce Act!

Dear [Decision Maker],

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