Help Us Protect Freedom of Vaccine Choice in Pennsylvania!

The Pennsylvania legislature is a bill, HB 262, which provides for the right of an employee or prospective employee to refuse to participate in an invasive medical test or vaccination required by an employer in state law. Additionally, SB 471 prohibits mandatory vaccination of PA residents by the Commonwealth or as condition of employment. HB 1439 prohibits state & local government & business from denying services based on vaccination status. HB 286 prohibits discrimination by healthcare providers, facilities and insurers based on vaccination status.

Write to your legislators and urge them to suport these bills!

Please personalize and add your own comments if you have time!


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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Please support vaccine choice

Dear [Decision Maker],

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]