Tell GlaxoSmithKline to Keep Their Hands Off Compounded Medicines!

The FDA has released a list of nominations to its “Demonstrably Difficult to Compound” (DDC) list, which is supposed to identify drugs that cannot safely be compounded because of their complexity. Included on this list are certain kinds of safe, bioidentical hormones such as progesterone (including progesterone with estradiol), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), testosterone. If these are banned, drug companies would then have a government-enforced monopoly—even though the pharmaceutical versions or their alternative products are often substandard or even dangerous.

Compounding pharmacists say these are not difficult to compound and are not dangerous. Thirty-eight percent of the nominations came from one of the largest multinational pharmaceutical companies in the world—GlaxoSmithKline.

Send a message to GSK protesting their sneak attack on your medical choice, letting them know that they are further damaging their standing with the public.


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  • GlaxoSmithKline


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Stop the sneak attack on medical choice!

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