Tell Your Legislators to Vote No on #DiabetesMiseducation!

The Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015 (H.R. 1726, S. 1345) favors the interests of the pharmaceutical industry over the needs of people with diabetes. This bill would turn certification as a diabetes educator—a certification offered by a private trade group—into a legal requirement. This will be a a costly, unnecessary obstacle for thousands of healthcare workers, and if passed, it would leave thousands of people without diabetes services. Efforts to create mandatory certification at the state level have been soundly defeated. Now we need to do the same at the federal level.

Please share this Action Alert on social media and use the hashtag #DiabetesMiseducation, and send your message to your sentators and representative today, urging them to vote NO on this terrible bill.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Please Vote NO on HR 1726 / S1345!

Dear [Decision Maker],

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]