Tell Congress: Frankenfish Must Be Labeled

This week, Congress is considering a major spending bill which contains a provision requiring the FDA to finalize a guidance for the labeling of GMO salmon before it can be sold to consumers. It is a big step in the right direction, but it needs to go further if we are to be certain consumers will know where their food comes from. The bill will be voted on in the next few days, so we must act immediately!

Many organizations and champions in Congress have worked hard to achieve this provision, and we consider it a huge success. The problem is that the best-laid plans are oftentimes completely dismantled by the FDA. Our concern is that a voluntary labeling standard could be interpreted by the FDA to satisfy the provision as it is currently written.  Additionally, an FDA guidance is not a law – it is a nonbinding form of action. So, even if a guidance document required mandatory labeling of GMO salmon, there is no guarantee that the FDA would enforce it. What we truly need here is a regulation that requires mandatory labeling.

We are asking that the language in the bill be changed to require a regulation that is legally binding and would establish a mandatory labeling rule.

There is still opportunity for floor amendments. Urge your member of congress to support a mandatory regulation requiring the disclosure of GMO salmon. This bill could pass as early as Thursday, so act now!


  • Your Representative


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Frankenfish Must Be Labeled

Dear [Decision Maker],

I was excited to see a provision in the budget omnibus bill that addressed the labeling of GMO salmon before allowing it to be sold to consumers. However, my concern is that a voluntary labeling standard could be interpreted by the FDA to satisfy the provision as it is currently written.

This is unacceptable! Consumers in the United States have the right to know what is in their food. Companies can already voluntarily label their GMO fish, and I am concerned that few will label their salmon as genetically engineered--and consumers will continue to be in the dark about the origin of their food. We must require the labeling of GMO salmon.

As your constituent, I urge you to support a change to the language currently in the bill so that it requires a regulation that is legally binding and would establish a mandatory labeling rule for GMO salmon.

[Your Name]
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