Tell Your Senators to Block Robert Califf's Nomination as FDA Commissioner!

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee havs approved Dr. Robert Califf’s nomination as the new FDA commissioner, and it is now headed for a full floor vote.

Dr. Califf’s lucrative dealings with the drug industry are well known—he ran a clinical research center at Duke University that received the majority of its multi-million-dollar budget from Big Pharma, and he regularly receives funding from dozens of drug companies. He is the quintessential fox in the henhouse.

It seems increasingly likely that Congress will approve Califf’s nomination—unless enough advocates speak out and urge their senators to block his nomination. Califf’s nomination shows that federal officials are dropping all pretenses of picking someone who would actually protect public health or stand up to industry. Please contact your senators immediately and ask them to block Dr. Califf’s nomination!

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Please Block Robert Califf's Nomination as FDA Commissioner

Dear [Decision Maker],

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