Tell the FDA to Protect Access to EDTA Chelation!

Chelation is used by integrative physicians to remove heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and arsenic from the body. Doing so can clear up many, many health conditions (especially heart problems) and prevent worse ones from developing. The process involves injecting patients with organic chemicals—such as edetate disodium (EDTA), which is typically compounded—that bind and remove the heavy metals present in the bloodstream.

Unfortunately, the success of EDTA in reducing cardiovascular events could become a moot point if the FDA declares that it cannot be compounded, either making chelation almost completely unavailable or clearing the way for Big Pharma to patent an expensive chelation drug. Urge the FDA to preserve consumer access to EDTA chelation!

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  • Food and Drug Administration


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Please Protect Access to Compounded EDTA Chelation

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