Tell the FDA: No GM Mosquitoes!

To combat the spread of the Zika virus, some are suggesting the release of even more GM mosquitoes into the wild, despite the warnings of some researchers who suggest that the Zika outbreak in Brazil is linked to GM mosquitoes that were released to combat the rise of dengue fever.

Some evidence shows that GM mosquitoes did not stop the rise of dengue fever, raising serious questions about the prudence of using this biotechnology to fight Zika.

There are other concerns. How will the genetically modified mosquitoes affect the bat population that relies on them for food? Animals feeding off of GMOs have numerous adverse health effects.

Write to the FDA and urge them not to approve the further release of GM mosquitoes into the environment.

Please personalize and add your own comments if you have time!


  • Food and Drug Administration


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Please do not release more GM mosquitoes

Dear [Decision Maker],

I was distressed to learn that there are proposals being circulated to release more GM mosquitoes to combat the threat of the Zika virus.

Of particular concern is the fact that a study showed that the same GM mosquitoes released in Brazil did not, in fact, lead to a drop in dengue fever like they were designed to.

There are other concerns. How will the genetically modified mosquitoes affect the bat population that relies on them for food? Animals feeding off of GMOs have numerous adverse health effects.

Where are the peer-reviewed safety studies to support safety claims for GM mosquitoes? What evidence is there that GM mosquitoes are ecologically safe?

You are allowing an extraordinary risk to the environment and to human health to be introduced without controls. Some scientists are even theorizing that the release of GM mosquitoes in Brazil is connected with the recent Zika outbreak!

Please do not approve the release of more "frankenmosquitoes"!

[Your Name]
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