FTC: Do Not Approve the Monsanto/Bayer Merger!

The number of companies controlling our food supply is about to shrink even further now that Bayer has bought Monsanto for $66 billion in cash, creating the world’s largest seed and pesticide company. The new megacorporation will control 25% of the world’s seeds and pesticides.

Syngenta, another of the world’s largest seeds companies, is set to merge with ChemChina, a state-owned Chinese company. The Treasury Department’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, which has the power to stop such mergers if they threaten national security, has approved the deal. China will now own a company that supplies one-fifth of the world’s pesticides and 10% of soybeans to US farmers.
Dow Chemical and DuPont are also merging.

There are still some regulatory hurdles to be cleared, but the prognosis isn’t good. These companies, for whom genetic modification and powerful herbicides and pesticides are essential moneymakers, are set to monopolize our entire food supply—and likely drive up input costs for small farmers. If and when these mergers are approved, it will likely become harder for consumers to avoid these products.

Write to the Federal Trade Commission and tell them not to approve this merger.


  • Federal Trade Commission


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Please do not approve the Monsanto/Bayer merger

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