Tell Your State Legislature: Preserve Vaccine Choice!

A recent Editorial piece in The New York Times suggests that more states should enact mandatory vaccination laws, kicking kids out of public and private schools if they do not follow the state’s vaccine schedule. That’s just one of a number of tips given for how to deal with “anti-vaxxers,” which the World Health Organization has deemed one of the top world health threats for 2019. But in decrying the perceived anti-scientific stance of those who question whether vaccines are safe, the NYT editorial writers, like many who agree with them, betray a lack of the skepticism needed for good science to flourish.

Write to your state legislature and tell them to preserve freedom of choice in your state!


  • Your Governor
  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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Please preserve vaccine choice

Dear [Decision Maker],

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[Your Address]
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