FDA: Stop Blocking Access to 3beta-Adiol

3beta-Adiol is an anti-carcinogenic testosterone that is particularly helpful to men with a history of prostate cancer. For years this form of testosterone was available at compounding pharmacies--until the FDA moved in and it became unavailable.

Patients consistently report feeling better on compounded bioidentical hormone preparations than their conventional drug counterparts. The FDA must stop preventing patients from accessing the medicines they prefer. 

Write to the FDA, with a copy to Congress, telling the agency that patients need access to compounded bioidentical hormones--particularly 3beta-Adiol!


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative
  • Food and Drug Administration


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Please stop blocking access to 3beta-Adiol

Dear [Decision Maker],

3beta-Adiol is an anti-carcinogenic testosterone that is particularly helpful to men with a history of prostate cancer. For years this form of testosterone was available at compounding pharmacies--until the FDA moved in and it became unavailable.

As the agency continues its review of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, I strongly urge the agency to not only to allow the compounding of these demonstrably safe medicines that millions of patients rely on--I also demand that the agency make 3beta-Adiol available once more.

In a world where prescription drugs, even when properly prescribed, kill thousands of Americans a year, it seems absurd to focus on compounded medicine, and particularly bioidentical hormones. Patients consistently report feeling better on compounded bioidentical hormone preparations. Please allow patients to select the medicine that best fit his or her needs.

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