FDA: Loosen Hand Sanitizer Restrictions!

Amidst critical shortages of hand sanitizer in online and brick-and-mortar stores, distillers and compounding pharmacies have stepped up to fill in a crucial gap in supply. “Not so fast!” says the FDA. The agency released two policies detailing how these entities should be producing sanitizer. These guidance documents have thwarted the efforts of distillers and compounders to produce hand sanitizer that the nation needs, highlighting once again the ineptitude, bureaucratic stubbornness, and even pettiness of the agency during the COVID-19 crisis.

Write to the FDA, with a copy to Congress, calling for more flexibility to allow distillers and compounders to make hand sanitizer during this crisis.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative
  • Food and Drug Administration


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Please loosen hand sanitizer restrictions

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