FDA: Stop Gagging Doctors

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are unnecessarily dying from COVID-19. The US medical system is ignoring any treatment that is not patentable and therefore cannot provide a multi-billion profit for some giant healthcare company. This was bad enough before COVID. It always had the tragic consequence of unnecessary deaths. But now with COVID it is particularly unconscionable. Are vitamin D levels being checked? Are patients given potassium in the hospital? Zinc or quercetin? Intravenous C?

Meanwhile, the FDA, FTC, Department of Justice, and some state attorneys general have launched a coordinated censorship campaign that prevents medical doctors and other healthcare providers from communicating their extensive knowledge about how to stay healthy during the pandemic using natural medicine. The actions of these federal agencies will lead to more COVID-19 infections and death. We have to fight back to preserve our right to stay healthy, naturally.

Send a message to the FDA telling them to stop gaggine doctors.


  • Food and Drug Administration


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Stop gagging doctors

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