Oppose the NDI Guidance

The FDA has finally released its revised draft guidance on new dietary ingredient (NDI) notifications for new dietary supplements. The agency’s new guidance, much like the original, is a massive attack on the supplement industry, and a gift to the drug industry. The provisions in the guidance threaten to eliminate thousands of supplements from store shelves, thereby depriving consumers of the product, and could potentially cripple the supplement industry. These burdensome requirements are in direct violation of congressional intent in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, which was meant to expand consumer access to supplements.

This is just one of many attacks perpetrated by the federal government against natural medicine. The FDA and the FTC have launced a censorship campaign against doctors who inform the public about the benefits of supplements in treating and preventing COVID-19, when the President himself was treated with supplements when he contracted the virus. This cannot continue.

Write to Congress and the FDA and tell them why this guidance cannot stand.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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New NDI guidance cannot stand

Dear [Decision Maker],

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[Your Address]
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