Protect Gut Health!

Research on the gut microbiome—a diverse array of trillions of microorganisms that reside in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract—is revealing how pivotal this microbial ecosystem is to preventing premature aging. Imbalances in this ecosystem, called gut dysbiosis, are linked with an array of chronic diseases, and healing our gut can keep us healthy and sustain virility. But longstanding threats from FDA policies put our ability to protect gut health in serious jeopardy.

Tell the FDA, with a copy to Congress, to stop barring Americans from keeping a healthy gut by 1) fixing the NDI guidance’s absurd definition of “chemically altered,” 2) reversing their decision to treat FMT like a drug, and 3) allowing the free flow of information about dietary supplements.


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Help Americans protect gut health

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