Thank Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler for Her FSAS Support

Please take a minute to thank your Congresswoman, Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-3) for her support of H.R.1364 the Free Speech About Science Act. 

Consumers are largely kept in the dark about the potential health benefits of foods and supplements. Why? Because current law makes it illegal for food and supplement producers to share this information.

The Free Speech About Science Act provides a limited and carefully targeted change to  FDA regulations so that legitimate, peer reviewed, scientific studies  can be referenced by manufacturers and producers without converting a  healthy food or dietary supplement into an unapproved drug. This is a small bill with vast potential leverage!


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Thank You for Supporting H.R.1364 the Free Speech About Science Act

Dear [Decision Maker],

Thank you Congresswoman Herrera Beutler for becoming a co-sponsor of H.R.1364 the Free Speech About Science Act.

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[Your Address]
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