Oppose ADA Monopoly in New York!

The New York Legislature is currently considering a bill that would create a new title for dietitians and nutritionists—“Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist” or “LDN”—and creates one licensing procedure for both instead of providing separate licensing for each. Moreover, a majority of the new board would be ADA members, and they would have the power to decide which exams are allowed—and which are not. (1)

The state’s Senate Finance Committee met on June 13 and decided to pass S.3556 to the Rules Committee so that it could be considered on the Senate floor.

Please phone your state legislator and ask him or her to oppose A.5666 and S.3556. You can use the information in the suggested letter to the right if you want to say more than “please oppose these bills.”

Emails are great, and we hope you will continue to send emails through the Action Alert form below—but real impact would be felt by calling representatives all on the same day.

To find your New York assembly member's telephone number, click here.

To find your New York senator's telephone number, click here.

(1) New York State Legislature, A.5666/S.3556, <http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/A5666-2011>.


  • Your Governor
  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


A.5666 / S.3556

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