Fight Vaccine Propaganda

In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the House and Senate are preparing bills that ramp up federal efforts to boost vaccination rates, fight vaccine hesitancy, and halt the spread of vaccine “misinformation.” 

Proponents of vaccines claim that "misinformation" is lowering vaccination rates and leading to more sickness. The real misinformation is the idea that vaccines are 100% safe and without dangers. We don't need the government to spend our tax dollars brow-beating parents into vaccinating their kids.

Write to Congress and tell them to reject these bills.


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  • Your Representative


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Please oppose federal vaccine bills

Dear [Decision Maker],

In response to several measles outbreaks that have been reported across the US by the CDC, the House and Senate are preparing bills that ramp up federal efforts to boost vaccination rates, fight vaccine hesitancy, and halt the spread of vaccine "misinformation."

Proponents of vaccines claim that "misinformation" is lowering vaccination rates and leading to more sickness. The real misinformation is the idea that vaccines are 100% safe and without dangers. Too often public health authorities inform the public of the benefits of vaccines without also telling us about the documented dangers and adverse events that happen as a result of vaccination.

Knowing the risks and benefits of a medical procedure beforehand is a cornerstone of modern medicine, yet we are failing to meet that basic standard by hiding the dangers of vaccination. For example, in a 2013 report, the IOM concluded that "key elements of the schedule--the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines--have not been systematically examined in research studies." Is this information being conveyed to patients--or does the government plan to support campaigns to brow-beat parents into vaccinating their kids no matter what the consequences?

We don't need the federal government to step in and increase propaganda efforts. We need real informed consent, which means being honest about the damage vaccines can cause as well as the benefits they confer.

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