2024 Triangle Run/Walk for Autism

Nahla Pride

Salam everyone!!!  I am Nahla Boyd!

Don't tell anyone, but I have superpowers (Diagnoses-others call them)!!!  The one that touches most people is my Nonverbal Autism!  See, I couldn't wait to enter into this world.  My mom's little Shasta drink (one pound and four oz.) See I get to use escape to my own world at times when things get overwhelming.  

I have the greatest pride, my mom, my dad, my papa, my grandma, my sisters and brothers, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my extended network....I have several doctors and therapists.  See, my parents attended the Autism Conference this year on how to navigate a supershero such as myself.  We are participating in the walk this year. 

I hope you can support me in reaching my goals!!!! 

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The Autism Society of North Carolina is the leading statewide resource organization serving people across the autism spectrum throughout their lifespans.

We understand the challenges of the autism community because we work with individuals on the autism spectrum and their families every day. We offer advocacy, training and education, and direct care that helps individuals with autism to, increase their social and communication skills, develop independent-living skills, succeed in school or on the job, participate in community activities, and advocate for themselves.

We have a statewide network of resources, connecting individuals with autism and their families to life-changing programs and supports unavailable anywhere else.

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