This is the 19th year the Wills Family has participated in the WNC Run/Walk for Autism.
Jesse is forty-three. His home is Marlowe Place, a supported living home, one of two managed by the Autism Society here in Asheville. The Autism Society of NC is the first place we turn to for information, services, guidance, and advice. Among the strengths of The Autism Society of NC is the outstanding training it gives to all its employees who provide direct care and supported employment for individuals on the autism spectrum. Another strength is advocacy which benefits every family with a member on the autism spectrum.
The best news to share about Jesse’s year is that he is loving his DREAM job at The Hop Ice Creamery in West Asheville. The Hop staff are all supportive and make working there a pleasure. Among the many job tasks he enjoys are putting The Hop logo on take-out cartons, crushing cookies for their yummy cookies and cream ice cream, wrapping their delicious brownies, and even handpicking fresh mint grown especially for their mint ice cream or removing stems from a boatload of fresh strawberries. Of course, he has a job coach trained by the ASNC who accompanies him each day on the job.
Jesse continues to enjoy volunteering for Meals on Wheels and painting wonderful art. He loves his daily walks and hikes and the ASNC social gatherings. He (usually, haha!) loves working out at Crossfit. He's become quite the baker and enjoys helping prepare dinners at his house.
The WNC Run/Walk for Autism provides us the perfect opportunity to support the Autism Society. It is also the perfect opportunity for family and friends to support Jesse and the amazing man he has become.
The Wills Family cannot imagine Jesse's life without the Autism Society of NC.
Please help us by donating to Jesse's personal page and/or running or walking with Team Marlowe. We thank you!