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Anything for Alzheimer's Celebration

Angela's 60th Birthday!

In honour of our mom's milestone birthday, we wanted to raise funds for Alzheimer Society of B.C. As many of you know, this is a cause that is near and dear to our mom's heart and ours, as our grandma is living with dementia. We want to honour both of these wonderful women by supporting this incredible organization.

Please consider making a donation in honour of Angela's 60th birthday and help support the Alzheimer Society as they provide support to caregivers and search for a cure. You can also leave a personal message for Angela if you like - we will collect and share all of your messages with her on her birthday.

All donations of $15 or more will receive an official tax receipt automatically.

Thank you all!

Karina, Kazandra, Krystyna and Klaryssa

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Charitable registration number 11878 4891 RR0001

©2016 Alzheimer Society of B.C.

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