Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. I’m raising money in support of the Alzheimer Society of B.C.
"My Grandma looked after me one day a week when I was just 1 year old to 3 1/2. I'm turning 8 this month. I'm sad because dementia means that Grandma can't come to my party or play with me anymore. She just had her 75th birthday."
By making a donation on this page, you are helping to transform the lives of individuals and families living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Even for families who don't yet need their service, it's helpful to know support is available for patients and their carers when required.
By supporting the work of the Alzheimer Society of B.C., you are ensuring there is a province-wide organization dedicated to providing services and programs to help families faced with dementia have the confidence and skills to maintain quality of life, to supporting the search for the cure.
Please make a donation today and help me to reach my fundraising goal!
Felix, almost age 8