The Ginormous Climb is taking a hiatus in 2023.

In lieu of the Climb, we are asking our supporters to choose the challenge of their choice to raise money in support of the CAC.

We are so grateful to all of the Superheroes who have Climbed in support of the CAC over the years. We look forward to finding new ways to connect as a community in support of the children and families we serve!

If you have any questions or need assistance getting your fundraising started, please contact us at

Official superhero results from 2022 are available here.

You can relive past Ginormous Climbs through the photo albums on our Facebook page.

Children's Advocacy Center of Suffolk County

At the Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, we see heroes every day. 

Each year, nearly 2,000 children are referred to the CAC to talk about abuse and violence in their lives. Their courage is heroic and they inspire all of us.

The funds raised through the Climb support the young heroes that have experienced child abuse, neglect and violence on their journey of healing.