Virginia Walk 4 CMT / Cycle 4 CMT

Team Strei

Hey Family & Friends!

Thank you for checking out my fundraising page for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with CMT Type 1 thanks to the above and beyond care of one exceptional doctor. Before then, it was years of visiting specialists with little knowledge or motivation to understand my experiences and symptoms.

Since then, the progression of this disease has been both mentally and physically draining. I have lost the ability to walk any distance without the use of braces, I have very little sensation below my knees and wrists, and I experience painful muscular and nerve flare ups when I am ill, try to push my physical boundaries, or even when the weather turns. Basic dexterity skills like tying my own shoes, buttoning my own buttons, and hitting the right keys on a keyboard have become challenges for me. Every individual with CMT has a different progression rate and different side effects, but it is lifelong and generates a serious impact on all of our lives as we age.

I have discovered how important it is to remain positive and contribute to solutions so future generations can avoid this hereditary disease, experience a slower progression of it, or have affordable access to medical equipment and assistive technology to improve their quality of life. 

By donating to this fundraiser, you can be a part of my fight. CMTA continues to work with scientists and volunteers to fund and test treatments for FDA approval. We still have a long way to go, but I appreciate you listening to my story and considering a donation.

Thanks in advance for supporting me, my peers, and generations to come!
All the best,
Kieran Strei

Below is a note from the organization putting in the work: 

The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) is a 501c3 non-profit working with world-class partners to advance treatment-oriented research through STAR (Strategy to Accelerate Research). 

To people with CMT, STAR research for a cure means regaining feeling in the extremities, walking without tripping, buttoning shirts, and easily picking up change off a flat surface. STAR is synonymous with stopping the progression of CMT and living a life without limitations. 

STAR is hope for a future without CMT. 

Please help make a difference in the lives of those living with CMT and for our generations to come. 

Together, with your support, we can reach our fundraising goal. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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Amount Raised

Together We Have Raised: $2,819.00

Our Goal: $3,000.00

Help us reach our goal!

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