A collection of 18 exciting talks on the Sacraments and Christian Living from today's top Catholic speakers.
John Leyendecker - Chicks, Liquor, Drugs: God is Calling, But I'm
Not Answering Cuz I Think He's a Telemarketer
Jonathan Reyes, Ph.D - Equipped For Mission
Christopher Stefanick - Beyond Boredom
Dr. Kasia Szymanek - Answering The Call in Medicine
Dr. Kasia Szymanek - Answering JPII's Call to Sainthood After
Jeremy Rivera - So You're About to Graduate? Making Life Work in Seasons of Transition
Jimmy Becker - The Big Three: Chastity, Sobriety, and Excellence
John Dickinson, MD, Ph.D - Post Graduation… No FOCUS… Now What?
John Dickinson, MD, Ph.D - A Catholic Who Happens To Be a
John Zimmer - Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N' Roll: Contraception and the
Catholic Church
Kevin & Lisa Cotter - Love Story: Not Taylor Swift Style
Kevin Cotter - How To Live Out FOCUS on a Non-FOCUS Campus
Manda Poffel - Blessed, Broken, Given
Mark Bartek - Conspiracy Theory 101: What the World Doesn't Want
You to Know
Vicki Thorn - Virtual World: Virtual Life
Rev. Francis "Fr. Rocky" Hoffman, Executive
Director of Relevant Radio - Media Matters.
Be There.
Rev. Francis "Fr. Rocky" Hoffman, Executive
Director of Relevant Radio - Learn It. Live It. Or Leave It: You Decide.
Steve Pries - Esto Vir! - Reclaiming Our Culture Through Authentic