Download and listen to every speaker at all 4 locations of FOCUS Conference 2011 right to your computer.
Beyond Boredom by Christopher
Answering The Call by Curtis
Waking The Sleeping Giant -
How Discovering Our Gifts Will Renew the Church
by Jeremy Rivera
Chicks, Liquor, Drugs: God is
Calling, But I'm Not Answering Cuz I Think He's a Telemarketer by John
Equipped For Mission by
Jonathan Reyes, Ph.D
Passionately Loving the World
: It's Everyones Call to Build a Culture of Life by Lila Rose
Blazing a Trail of Glory by
Sr. Mary Gabriel, S.V.
Behold I Make All Things New:
Living the Confidence of the Saints by Sr. Mary Gabriel, S.V.
Christlike Principles For
Dating: If You Want to Hook the Right Mate, Then You Need to Be the Right Bait
by Curtis and Michaelann Martin
The Most Dangerous Women In
History by Amanda Graf
A Biblical Walk Through the
New Mass Translation: Understanding What We Say & Do In the Liturgy by Dr.
Edward Sri
The Sacrament of Love: Five
Pillars of the Theology of the Body by Dr. Edward Sri
Answering JPII's Call to
Sainthood After College by Dr. Kasia Szymanek
Answering The Call in
Medicine by Dr. Kasia Szymanek
The Art of Discipleship:
Following In Order to Lead by Dr. Tim Gray
Called to Marriage: The Shared
Adventure/Vocation by Dr. Tim Gray
Meditation and Contemplation
by Fr. Bart Geger, S.J.
Three Stages in Prayer and
Self-Knowledge by Fr. Bart Geger, S.J.
The Rules For Discernment of
Spirits of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Fr. Christopher Collins, S.J. & Deacon
Joe Laramie, S.J.
Living With the Heart of
Christ - Pierced and Enflamed by Fr. Christopher Collins, S.J. & Deacon Joe
Laramie, S.J.
A Christian is Another Christ
by Fr. David Meconi, S.J.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray by Fr.
David Meconi, S.J.
On the Streets of Daily Life:
The Apostleship of Prayer's Practical Practice of "Three Moments of the
Day" by Fr. Phil Hurley, S.J.
Choices, Choices… Discerning
God's Will In Our Lives by Fr. Phil Hurley, S.J.
Suffering and the Love of God
by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
The Latest Historical Evidence
For Jesus and His Resurrection by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.
But, Lord, When Did We See You
Hungary by Jeff Runyan
So You're About to
Graduate? Making Life Work in Seasons of
Transition by Jeremy Rivera
The Big Three: Chastity,
Sobriety, and Excellence by Jimmy Becker
A Catholic Who Happens To Be a
Physician-Scientists by John Dickinson, MD, Ph.D
Post Graduation… No FOCUS… Now
What? by John Dickinson, MD, Ph.D
Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N' Roll:
Contraception and the Catholic Church by John Zimmer
Emotional Highs and Lows,
Spiritual Joys and Woes by Kate Ebeler
Galileo's Battle With the
Church: Myths and Truths by Kenneth Howell, Ph.D
Same Sex Marriage: A Catholic
Perspective by Kenneth Howell, Ph.D
Love Story: Not Taylor Swift
Style by Kevin & Lisa Cotter
How To Live Out FOCUS on a
Non-FOCUS Campus by Kevin Cotter
From the Glamorous Life to a
Grace-Filled Life by Leah Darrow
Women: We're Kind of a Big
Deal by Leah Darrow
8 Things a Girl Can Do Now For
a Happier Marriage Later by Libby McCartney
Why Do I Do That?: What Chick
Flicks and Love Songs Have to Do With Chastity by Lisa Cotter
Blessed, Broken, Given by
Manda Poffel
Conspiracy Theory 101: What
the World Doesn't Want You to Know by Mark Bartek
Playing For Keeps: Dating With
a Purpose by Matt & Libby McCartney
Taking the Plunge:
Evangelization, As a Way of Live by Nathan Stanley
Fighting the Spiritual Battle
of Our Soul: The Discernment of Good and Evil Spirits, and How They Affect Our
Daily Lives by Paul Wilburn
Learn It. Live It. Or Leave
It: You Decide. by Rev. Francis "Fr. Rocky" Hoffman, Executive
Director of Relevant Radio
Media Matters. Be There. by Rev. Francis "Fr.
Rocky" Hoffman, Executive Director of Relevant Radio
Esto Vir! - Reclaiming Our
Culture Through Authentic Masculinity by Steve Pries
Virtual World: Virtual Life by
Vicki Thorn
What They Didn't Tell You in
Sex Ed: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Vicki Thorn