Mission Trip Fundraising


Enter Mission Details


Enter Your Name


Provide Your Information


Agree to the Waiver


Provide Billing Information


Confirm Deposit Payment

Step number 1.






   Please leave this field empty

New Fund Information:



= Required Field


The following image shows how the content elements are arranged on your default fund page. As you work with the sections below, the corresponding section in the image will highlight to indicate where that information will be located on the default fund page layout.


Your Fund Page: Your Fund Page:





Your story is featured on your donation page. Telling a compelling story of why you are answering the Lord's call to go on mission and why people should support you. Changes or additions can be made to this story later in the Champion Center.




The picture you upload will display on your fund page to add a personal touch and may inspire people to support your fund. You can change the image later in the Champion Center. To show more pictures, you can create and link to Photo Albums from the Champion Center.


Upload a Picture for Your Donation Page:

1. Prepare your image.
Images must be .gif, .jpg, or .png files. Files with a .jpg or .png type will be automatically resized to fit in a 225 x 300 pixel space. The maximum acceptable file size is 1.5 Mb.

2. Select the file.
Enter the name of the file on your computer or use the Browse button to select the file.

If unable to access browse button, press enter key here to launch the browse dialog..

3. Click the upload image button.






You can login later to create your personalized fundraising URL!