Donate to Greater Lansing Food Bank

Everyone needs nutritious food to thrive. Across mid-Michigan, our neighbors are working hard to provide for themselves and their families. And yet, tonight, a working mother will skip dinner so her kids can eat a nourishing meal. A senior will go hungry because he did not have enough money left for food after filling his prescriptions. Your decision to make a difference will impact so many lives. The food you help GLFB provide will feed thousands of neighbors right here in our community who are facing hunger. 

How Often?

Giving monthly is the most effective way to help feed our neighbors year-round.

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Every $10 donated to GLFB may provide up to 30 meals for a neighbor facing hunger.

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This transaction is being processed on a secure webpage. 

Privacy Policy: The Greater Lansing Food Bank respects your privacy. We use your contact information only to process your gift, maintain accurate financial records, and keep you informed of our activities. We do not and will not share contact information with outside individuals, businesses, or other parties.

By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account above for the amount specified in the Transaction Amount field. Account information for Recurring Pledges/Monthly Giving is encrypted and stored securely via SafeSave™ for automatic processing of your future payments. Notify us at anytime if you wish to discontinue your pledge.

Did you know The Greater Lansing Food Bank is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a Federal Identification/Charity Identification number of 38-2424756. Donations are tax deductible.