Welcome to Alicia's Long Trail Day Page
I am fundraising this year with extra appreciation for the incredible team of people I work with and how they truly showed up to support me this year. For the willingness of our staff and leadership to make changes and have difficult conversations that will increase the sense of belonging on the trail and in our organization.
And of course, because I love hiking in Vermont- it's pretty magical that kids like mine get to visit places like this on a regular basis.
I hope you can join me in donating to support the trail and the people who use it. I have a (ambitious) $2,000 goal this year. Thank you in advance :)
P.S. This picture is from when Lane, Edie, and I were staffing the Visitor Center on Mount Mansfield one day and I overheard Lane saying to hikers, "Don't step on the alpine plants because they'll die and it will be all your fault."
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