Support the GMC!
On August 24, I set out at the Canadian border to hike the 270+ miles of the Long Trail, through the center of Vermont to the Mass border. I completed the hike in 19 challenging, exhausting and amazing days. I saw first hand the incredible work of the Green Mountain Club- on the Long Trail and the hundreds and hundreds of miles of side trails throughout the state. During my days on the trail, I met lots of people, 99% of whom are from out of state. Vermont's incredible hiking opportunities bring people from all over the country and the world to visit. And, these trails provide beautiful vistas, stunning waterfalls, roaring rivers and secret forests to those willing to head out into the wilderness.
If you've hiked on trail with a blue or white blaze, you know what I am talking about. I hope you'll consider a small donation to help support the GMC's work in maintaining our trails and shelters, so we can all continue to experience the depth of wild beauty in our brave little state.

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