Hi, I'm Urike Brown. In 1975, my mother, Wilhemenia Brown, unfortunately passed from Lupus. An autopsy was performed because my dad wanted to know what happened to his wife. During her illness, she was treated for poison ivy and other ailments, but never Lupus. However, the autopsy results revealed the cause of death was Lupus Erythematosus. My mother was 33 years young when she passed and the disease caused her to leave behind a husband and 3 daughters ages 7, 11 and 12.
In 2021, I, my mother's youngest daughter, was diagnosed with Lupus. So 46 years after the disease brought my mother to her untimely demise, I found myself living with the same disease. I continue to live and fight through the pain, discomfort, swelling, skin rashes, joint stiffness, fatigue, numbness and sleepless nights. But my fight is not just for me - it’s for my mom too, because she was never given an opportunity to fight for herself.
Please join me in raising money to find a cure for this autoimmune disease that remains a mystery.
Thank you!