The COVID vaccine saved my life!
My breast cancer diagnosis was very different than most. My cancer was an incidental finding at the age of 37. I have been a nurse for 15 years. Most recently working in the ICU, that has been the COVID unit for the past year. I was blessed to be in the first group to receive the COVID vaccine. Little did I know that the vaccine would save me in more ways than one. After receiving my second shot, I had a large lump appear within days of the vaccine, this has been happening a fair amount after the vaccine, they are now recommending that you wait for 6 months after vaccination for a mammogram. Knowing that I had fibrycysts in the past and my mother has a history as well, I wasn't that concerned. I went and saw my pcp anyway. He agreed, this was fibrocystic, but to get a mammogram anyway. My mammogram was on January 27, 2021. They put my LIFETIME RISK at 7.8%. They scanned and rescanned, and completed an untrasound. They lump I had found was fibrocystic. But there was something else they were looking at. That was the first time I was worried. Time for a biopsy to be completed on March 3rd. I was at work in the ICU when I got the call. The breast health nurse knew I was working that day so they simply said, "do you have time to come down to the office to talk." My worst fears were true. I hurriedly went down 2 floors, and they met me in the hall. I could tell by the look on their faces. I was fortunate enough to be able to see the amazing Dr. Gunn the next Monday. He went through all of my options. We proceeded with the plan of a double complete mastectomy on March 26th. I am still early in my journey so I still do not know about chemo. But I have been very fortunate so far. My cancer was an incidental finding, it was a 1a, I haven't been recommended for chemo or radiation thus far. Mostly I have discovered what an amazing support system I have.
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