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FRIDAY, MAY 21: As I mentioned in my letter, I am participating in the IN THEIR SHOESVIRTUAL 10K 2021 WALK/RACE. I will be completing it in my chosen route in my own neighborhood. I am looking foward to this adventure, as this is my first particpation in this event.
SATURDAY, MAY 22: I began the 10K today. I am thrilled to report to you that I have completed almost one third of the 10K WALK/RACE!!! That means that I walked two miles today!!! It was a wonderful day to be walking outside. I thought about my deceased mother who had breast cancer and did well after her surgery, and two of my mentors, one who died from recurring breast cancer and another who has been undergoing treatment. I also thought of my good friend Joyce who has continued pretty well after her bout with breast cancer.
SUNDAY, MAY 23: The weather today was excellent for walking. Today I power walked another mile toward completing the 10K. That means I have completed almost a half. I thought about neighbors, friends, and family members who have offered encouragement and sponorship, and I feel so thankful for all of your kind words and gestures.
MONDAY, MAY, 24: I walked another mile today, so I am feeling so, so good about my progress. Yes, that is right: only 2.2 miles left to walk.
WEDNESDAY, MAY, 26: I bicycled a mile yesterday, which does not count towards the 10k, but it was so much fun that I plan to add that exercise to vary my weekly exercise regimen. Today I resumed walking the 10K, adding another mile. Now I have 1.2 miles left to power walk.
SATURDAY, MAY 29: Yay! Yay! Yay! Yes, today I finished the 10K by walking the remaining 1.2 miles. I am so, so very appreciative of all who supported me with their waves while I was making my route each day, who were thinking of me from their homes, and, of course, who made a donation. Having a virtual community durng this walk has motivated me to keep walking and participatinng in events like this one. Thank you for being a part of it.
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