Parkinson's Foundation: Believe in Better

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Donate to Liz And Mack Phillips

Thank you for choosing to support Liz And Mack Phillips's fundraising efforts for the Parkinson's Champions - 2024 Philadelphia Marathon Weekend Marathon.

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Can put expert Parkinson’s Foundation educational publications directly in the mailboxes of four people living with PD at no cost to them, helping them live their best lives at every stage of the disease.

Can provide hospital safety guides to people with PD, preparing them for a planned or unplanned hospital stay.

Can mail education resource packets to those newly diagnosed with PD, empowering them to take control of their health from the outset of their journey.

Can provide two exercise classes for people with Parkinson's at no cost to them, helping them stay active and connect to with other people fighting PD.

Can allow our Helpline team to support 20 callers, providing resources, referrals and key PD information.

Can provide critical funding to our research grants, allowing more scientists to work toward a breakthrough in Parkinson’s treatments and care.

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  • Diners Club
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