Racing to end Parkinson’s
Running has been good to me through the years. After this last surgery though, I said I was done training. What started as a challenge quickly became a passion and ultimately a way of life. Goals were chased, limits were pushed, and the desire to do more grew. The sport has taken me some cool places and allowed me to do some pretty amazing things. Of all that I've done, using my legs and lungs to benefit others ranks at the top. That's why I jumped at the opportunity to give it one more go and run the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half for the Parkinson's Foundation when it was presented to me.
Parkinson's disease affects 90,000 people annually. I've watched how heinous it is first hand over the course of Dad's 14 year battle. Seeing loved ones suffer from it's debilitating symptoms sucks. And while I don't know that there is anything we can do for those like Dad in the final stages of their battles, it is my hope that we can find a cure for those early in the fight. I don't know what the next 12 weeks will look like as I set out to train again, but I'm going to give it all that I've got. That's the only way I know how to do it. It's the only way Dad would want it. That's what he deserves. Those fighting to find a cure do, too.
The Parkinson's Foundation makes life better for people living with Parkinson's disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. I'd ask that you come alongside of me on this journey and help to improve the care of those battling and help fund that research for the cure. Help me help those working to make a difference. I'm doing what I said I was done doing but I've got big goals for this thing. And as big as they are, they pale in comparison to the reason for doing it.
Giddy up. Let's go.