I'm ready to run for my mom.
I hate to say that my mom lost her battle with Parkinson's disease because in my eyes she will always be the strongest, bravest, and most determined person I have ever met. She battled this disease for 25+ years, but even as this disease took over her body, and robbed her of her independence, ability to communicate, to play with her grandkids, and most of the other things she loved to do, she never gave up. I never heard her complain and even on her hardest days, she was always thinking about someone else and their needs, whether it was my dad, one of her kids, grandkids, a friend, or a complete stranger. So, I'll say this instead: my mom recently completed her battle against Parkinson's disease and it's my turn continue the fight in her memory. I am so blessed to have called her mine and am honored to have this opportunity to run for her again.
In the past, I have run a half-marathon in her honor and also organized three 5K/1 mile walk events. I have raised over $20,000 over my years of fundraising, but I am ready to do more. I have decided to run with the Parkinson's Champions in January 2024 and will fundraise while I train. I'm running to raise funds, but also awareness. I'm challenging myself to run the half-marathon to support the Parkinson’s Foundation and in honor and memory of those who can no longer run because of this disease.
The Parkinson's Foundation makes life better for people living with Parkinson's disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. Studies show that 2.5 hours of weekly exercise along with medication, can significantly improve quality of life for people living with Parkinson's. We run and will continue to run for people with Parkinson's because this disease not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Every dollar counts, thank you for your support!