Welcome to the Atlanta Movers and Shakers!
The Atlanta Movers and Shakers are in our 7th year of supporting the Parkinson's Foundation's Moving Day. We began in 2018 with a dedciated group of family and friends walking to help find a cure for Parkinson's Disease and to support vital programs for patients and their caregiviers. For those of you who have been a part of the team, thank you for your generosity. We have raised more than $160,000 since we began in 2018!!!! Our goal this year is $40,000. I'm determined to reach $200,000 for our team's total amount raised. I am asking for your help to meet this challenge.
Our family has lived with Parkinson's Disease for more than 20 years. It began with my Dad's diagnosis of Young Onset Parkinson's in his mid fifties and then my diagnosis at 50 years of age. Today, it is estimated that more than 1 million people in the United States suffer from the disease. Someone is diagnosed with Parkinson's every six minutes. It is caused by a comination of genes, environmental and lifestyle factors. Genetics cause about 10 to 15% of Parkinson's cases. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disease.
We need your help. I hope you will consider doing one or all of these three things: walk with us on October 26th, raise awareness in your community about Parksinson's and support the Movers and Shakers with a contribution.
We can do this together!
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