Welcome to My Personal Page
I recently celebrated my TEN year anniversary with SARRC . What a journey it has been! Our staff has more than doubled (from 80 to close to 200) and we added two campuses (with more to come) and a sister non-profit. Our small but mighty research team has successfully competed for grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, National Science Foundation, and Department of Defense Autism Research Program. The research we conduct and services we provide help people with autism today and I’m continually inspired by our team’s impact on the community. This growth would not be possible without fundraising events, so here I am…again…asking my friends and family to support our continued growth. Any amount will make an impact and I am forever grateful for your support!
About Yes Day
Around the time Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC) was founded, the incidence of an autism diagnosis was 1 in 500; today it is 1 in 36.
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