2024 Race for Research - Brain Tumor 5k

Team DenFeyer

On December 28, 2014, Anna experienced multiple seizures and was hospitalized. On that day, our lives were forever changed. We now know that the seizures were onset by a tumor that was trying to grow in her brain. That was the beginning of our journey in what seems like a million years. We went through five craniotomies, radiation, chemo, and a multitude of other treatments.

On October 2, 2016, Anna lost her 21 month long battle with GBM. She was a fighter and gave it everything she had. I am so proud of what she was able to do while having this devestating disease. 

This team is here in honor of Anna. We represent Team DenFeyer together with our family, friends and everyone who is an extension of Team DenFeyer. DenFeyer is our combined name of Denham and Feyerherm. We are a team and this team extends far beyond just us and we would love to have you be a part of it for this event.

SBTF (Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation) sponsors research and our support group, for which we are extremely grateful to be a part. You can read about what they do elsewhere on this site, but the types of research they fund are exactly what need to exist so that we can find a way to ultimately beat cancer.

Please join us in the fight against brain cancer by donating to this much needed cause. We are also looking to have a solid representation of support the week of the race/walk. You will see the spirit of our team and others supporting this cause and event. Please consider becoming a member of our team.

Go Team DenFeyer!

Josh (& Anna)

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OFFLINE DONATIONS: Donations by check may be sent along with the offline donation form to the SBTF.

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