2024 Race for Research - Brain Tumor 5k

Team Captain - Robbin
Team Captain - Robbin

Rockin Robbin

Welcome to Rockin Robin's team page - thanks for visiting. 

I'm participating in a charity event which raises money for brain tumor research.  Did you know I have a brain tumor? 

I look great on the outside, so you might not realize what's going on inside my brain. Once an aspiring and successful business leader, I'm working to regain what was my former self.  I had to relearn reading, writing, and (a)rithmetic at a rudimentary level.  Also, I'm currently unable to drive and heavily rely on others to take me to appointments or other activities,  Starting over is difficult, but it beats the alternative.

If you're so inclined, please come to Atlantic Station on 9.21.2024 and show your support.  The 24th Annual Race For Research is a 5K/1K run/walk and also offers a tot trot for those under 7. You don't have to be a runner, you can walk, volunteer, or you can come hang out, or you can show your support with a donation.

Every level of support is greatly appreciated.  The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation is recognized as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and a public charity. Donations to the STF are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 

I humbly thank you for your support and for visiting my team page. 




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OFFLINE DONATIONS:   Donations by check may be sent along with the offline donation form to the SBTF.

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