2024 Race for Research - Brain Tumor 5k

Race For Research
Race For Research

YoYo's Brain Reign Overcomers

Welcome to my team page!  I'm Yolanda Kelly, captain of Team YoYo's Brain Reign Overcomers.

Since 2006, I've participated in the Race For Research.  The event is held at Atlantic Station near downtown Atlanta. GA. It is a 5K run, 1K fun-run/walk and a fundraising event that raises money to support brain tumor research. 

You can support my team in a few ways; 1) register to run (or walk) the course route along with me; 2) help me spread the word about this fundraising event; 3) make a donation toward my fundraising effort. If you're not a runner, don't worry, many of the registrants are not runners. Instead many of the registrants are brain tumor patients who are just happy to be able to participate in this event.

Your participation and donations enable support, hope and courage for members of the brain tumor community. The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation provides hope in many ways:

  • providing acts of kindness to current patients undergoing treatment
  • funding critical brain tumor research
  • offering scholarshps to those impacted by a brain tumor diagnosis
  • hosting support groups for patients and caregivers

PLEASE KNOW that your participation and/or donation will have a positive impact on the life of a brain tumor patient.

The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation is recognized as as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and as a public charity. Donations to the SBTF are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.  


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OFFLINE DONATIONS:   Donations by check may be sent along with the offline donation form to the SBTF.

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