South Shore Health

Support The Evergreen Society

The Evergreen Society is a memorial giving program at South Shore Health. This programs allows the opportunity for family and friends to remember their loved ones by making contributions to the organization. 

To make a gift online, please fill out the form below. Please share who this gift is In Memory or In Honor of and provide any information for a person to notify, if available. These gifts can also be designated to several programs in the drop down listed below. 

To make a gift by mail, please make checks payable to
South Shore Health Foundation and mail to;
South Shore Health Foundation
55 Fogg Road, Weymouth, MA 02190

To make a gift by phone please call (781) 624-8600.

For more information on the Evergreen Society or to help answer any questions, please contact Abby Kiefer at

Gift Type

Field Is Required Select Gift Amount:
Gift type:
Total Gift: 0.00



Designate Your Gift

Please choose from the programs below for this donation to support. 

Field Is Required Gift Designation:

Person to Notify

If this gift in In Memory or In Honor of an individual, please fill out the information below to whom you would like us to notify. We will send a letter informing them a donation has been made In Memory of a loved one or In Honor of them. 

Donor Information

You'll receive periodic updates from South Shore Health Foundation. You can unsubscribe any time. If you donate and have not already registered, you will receive periodic updates and communications from South Shore Health.

Billing Information

If you have questions or to donate by phone, please call (781) 624-8600.

South Shore Health Foundation
5‌5 Fo‌gg Ro‌ad, So‌uth Wey‌mouth, M‌A 02‌190, Uni‌ted Sta‌tes

South Shore Health Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity number 0‌4-276‌9210.

South Shore Health Foundation is a not-for-profit, charitable health system offering primary and specialty care, hospital care, home health and community care, emergency and urgent care, and preventative and wellness services. We are the largest independent health system in Southeastern Massachusetts.