Welcome to My Personal Page
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On July 20-21, I will be riding in the Cycle of Life tour to raise money for hospice care on Vancouver Island.
After my wife, Shirley, died in last year I became acutely aware of the need for the kind of care that Hospice provides. Grief is a powerful emotion that will affect almost everyone of us. Hospice provides professional counselling services and other community activities that can help manage the pain and loneliness of grief. Despite the value of these services, none are fully funded by the health care system. The support of hospice comes from the communities it serves. Consider supporting my participation in the Cycle of Life Tour with a donation to Hospice. The money I raise will stay in our community and support the ongoing service that Hospice provides.
Every donation, no matter what the size, will make a big difference and you will receive a tax-receipt. Simply click on the donate now to make your donation today!
Thank you.
![TeamRaiser Achievement Badge](../images/friendraiser_uploads/lg_1190.1587231269.orig.png)
![TeamRaiser Achievement Badge](../images/friendraiser_uploads/lg_1191.1887059910.orig.png)
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